Elaine Aron – The Highly Sensitive Person; The Highly Sensitive Person Workbook; The Highly Sensitive Child; The Highly Sensitive Parent; The Highly Sensitive Person in Love; Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person; The Undervalued Self
Esther Bergsma – The Brain of the Highly Sensitive Person: Why You Shouldn’t Judge a Fish by its Ability to Climb a Tree
Julie Bjelland – The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person: How to Harness Your Sensitivity Into Strength in a Chaotic World
Susan Cain (about introverts rather than HSPs)– Quiet; Bittersweet
Amanda Cassil – The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person: A Workbook to Harness Your Strengths in Every Part of Your Life
Mel Collins – The Handbook for Highly Sensitive People: How to Transform Feeling Overwhelmed and Frazzled to Empowered and Fulfilled
Tracy Cooper – Thrive: The Highly Sensitive Person and Career; Thrill: The High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person
Barrie Davenport – Finely Tuned: How to Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person or Empath
Judy Dyer – The Highly Sensitive: How to stop overload, anxiety, negative energy
Tom Falkenstein – The Highly Sensitive Man: How Mastering Natural Instincts, Ethics and Empathy Can Enrich Men’s Lives and the Lives of Those Who Love Them
Peter Gill – The Way of Curiosity
Jenn Granneman & Andre Solo – Sensitive
Barrie Jaeger – Making Work Work for the Highly Sensitive Person
Dave Markowitz – Self-Care for the Self-Aware: A Guide for Highly Sensitive People, Empaths, Intuitives and Healers
Kelly O’Laughlin – A Highly Sensitive Person’s Life
Judith Orloff – The Empath’s Survival Guide; Thriving as an Empath; Affirmations for Empaths; The Genius of Empathy; and (cards) The Empath’s Empowerment Deck
Ilse Sand – Highly Sensitive People in an Insensitive World
Ted Zeff – The Strong Sensitive Boy; The Highly Sensitive Person’s Survival Guide: Essential Skills for Living Well in an Over-Stimulating World
Research and science
There has been a lot of research done into being highly sensitive and also into how it compares to other types of sensitivity.
In the research and scientific fields, being highly sensitive is referred to as Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS).
Elaine Aron is herself a researcher. Her website has a section on research which details her own work (and with collaborators) as well as research done by others.
You could also have a look at Michael Pluess and his sensitivity research.
What’s on offer changes all the time, so keep an eye on the websites listed in this page.