
Your privacy is important to me. This statement explains what happens when you visit my website – what information is collected and how it is used. Explaining this is a requirement under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), which came into force on 25 May 2018. Although these are EU regulations and we have left the EU, the standards of protection remain appropriate.

Any contact between us will have been initiated by you. I will treat any personal information/contact details you give me with care and confidentiality, and in compliance with GDPR.

Website Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that some websites create and store on your computer. They are used to hold information that thesite can use if you visit it again. Cookies do not consitute a security risk, but some people prefer to disable cookies. Web industry recommended practice is that websites which use cookies make this known prominently on their site. My website does not currently use cookies and I have no plans to change this.


Along with my web designer I have tried to make sure that this website conforms to all legislation and best practice regarding accessibility. I hope that anyone with a physical or visual impairment will find the site easy to use. If you are aware of any content or design features of the site which compromise accessibility, please do not hesitate to let me have your suggestions for improvement. You can email me at

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of this policy, please email me at


All content on this website is copyright of Sally Pendreigh. You are not permitted to reproduce any part of it without the prior consent of the copyright holder.