How Wordle shows up the HSP in me

Who knew that Wordle would show up how I think as an HSP?

I like to gather information.  Enough that I can see what’s in front of me and make an informed decision.

So, in Wordle, I like to gather vowels and use as many consonants as I can.  Unless I have enough letters early on to focus on options that just include them.

In contrast, my husband focuses on the letters he gets right and uses only them in his guesses.  He’s more direct than me.  I’ll use letters I know aren’t in the word if it lets me test placement or inclusion of a letter.

My need to gather information shows up in other ways too.  I’ll spend hours/days/weeks researching holiday destinations, accommodation and views.  It’s all about a quality experience for me.

In contrast, a work assessment centre and its time limits cause me all sorts of bother.  Like most HSPs, I don’t perform well under pressure, and want to understand (what I think is) enough before committing myself.

My way of processing is frustrating at times, but it’s who I am and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I like looking around, beyond, above and underneath information.  Seeing patterns, consequences, connections and roots.  Tiny details and the big picture.  The variety is one of life’s joys.

How does the way you work things out show up in your life – at work, around holidays or at Wordle (or any other game)?  When has your HSP brain been an advantage and when a difficulty?

Would you change how and who you are? Or can you appreciate your HSP strengths, enjoy the gifts and manage the challenges?